Thursday, July 16, 2009

What should google do against the new bing ads?

The latest from the Google-Microsoft wars are the Bing ads.Check out one here.

For over a decade now , google has been the place to go to when you had an unanswered question, atleast for most people like me :).It became a synonym for 'search'. People started saying , "did you google it" instead of "did you search for it". It is acontemporary case of a brand-name replacing the name of the product itself, like 'Xerox' replacing the word 'photocopying'.

Now microsoft , in its ongoing competition with google, has launched Bing!
I haven't use Bing much, but its latest TVC (TV commercial) promises to not overload search reults onto the consumer , unlike google which gives you all possible things related to your search and lets you decide which of them is appropriate. My first impression on seeing the ad was 'Good point!'. But unfortunatley Bing doesn't stand up to what it promises.It ends up giving me results similar to those on google search.

So what should Google do now, should it continue what it's been doing so far:not advertise its products on the TV or should it comeback with a retort?
In case Google decides to do the latter , what should be its positioning?


Vani Vijay said...

This has been my favourite topic ever since MS announced "Bing". MS just claims that there is a search overload, which is not true. Google just is enough to handle search.No one really cared for an alternative unless there is really a breakthrough. MS just came up with an alternative named "Bing" but calling it a desicion engine, which is also not convincing. One good thing is Google never dignifies such acts with an answer.haha..Thanks to the overenthusiastic,sometimes idiotic media,we presume that there is a lot happening(rivalry,cold wars) between these two software giants. Media can easily make us believe even Chrome OS is a retort to MS.The day when every news source chooses to be fact-based rather than opinionated, we shall have a better future.

Veena said...

As someone who has in interest in scientific research, I think that the "Google scholar" tool is unmatched by any competitors. It is my (and several of my colleagues') first stop when narrowing a broad query. A feature called the "citation linker" lets you see all scientific papers where the specific paper was quoted. This one feature alone has saved many a project, and is above and beyond any so-called "convenience" that Bing has to offer.

All in all, Bing may have some wonderful image features "But It's Not Google." (as some media reviews say)