Wednesday, March 04, 2009

W.R.T post in Oct 2 - Do's and dont's of online match-making

Now that I've given the gyan on match-making websites in the previous post,let's get working!What to and what not to do when you are trying to find your soul-mate online.

1 - When you create your profile,be honest,state the facts,don't hide any important things.
2 - Put your latest photos on the site, after all when you meet the person he is goinna see you as you currently are, not as you were in your 'younger' years :)
3 - Check your inbox regularly , I suggest daily. Remember, there might be someone somewhere, who might not be made for you,but is still waiting for your reply to his/her interest request.
4 - State your expectations clearly in the very beginning.This way you can avoid spending time with the wrong person and also the disappointments that might result.
5 - Take the process seriously.Don't just be fooling around.
6 - Add filters to your profile when you know what category of people you don't want to get interest requests from.
7 - Most of all , be patient. You are gonna get tons and tons of requests daily. Be sure to go throught them.And make it a point to reply.
8 - As soon as your wedding is fixed,delete your profile. You don't want some poor soul to still keep dreaming about you.Be kind to them :)

1 - Don't be rude. Express your lack of interest in a polite way. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and see what you might feel.
2 - Don't hurry through the process and end up talking to some fradulent person. We have all heard of the cases of internet matrimony gone bad.
3 - Don't be late to online rendezvous. No one likes to be stood-up.
4 - Don't be a jerk and send replies like,"You are too short for me","You are too dark for me" etc. If you are not attracted to the person simply say ,"Sorry our interests don't match".
5 - Don't be pushy.Wait for the other person to respond to your interest requests or to reciprocate to your liking.
6 - Don't hurry things.Never be one of those who think,"I'm taking a month's vacation and going to India.I'll meet a girl and get married right away". No sensible guy/gal appreciates that attitude.
7 - Don't reject a profile right away by seeing a picture. Aks for more pictures and then decide.
8 - Once you yourself are involved in the process, don't harry your parents. Take responsibility.

Hope these are useful!


VoiceOfSilence said...

ROTFL ... lotsa fun ..

wuld b naais if u can share the reason/assumption behind each point also ..

And u forgot the key disclaimer..
"These are necessary conds but not sufficient"

"... GF's are made .. Love Happens.." -Teja

Anjani said...

@ Teja , am glad you had fun reading, but this was not for humor.As a matter of fact,it's pretty serious stuff.

VoiceOfSilence said...

oops .. sorie ..

dint mean to hurt.. but was just curious to knw wat made u (reason/assumption) reach such a conclusion..

Again .. no fun intended towardz ny1.

Anjani said...

oohh....don't worry about it :)well..these are not assumptions but my own experiences :)