Thursday, June 20, 2024

A revisited perspective


I learnt about the philosophy of kintsugi earlier this year. The message of this phislopshy is that no matter the damage or imperfections in something, you don't throw it away.  You repair it, seal its blemishes with care and love and cherish it in whole. 

At first it resonated with me, and then for a while it did not. :)

But last weekend, I watched Inside Out 2...and I noticed a variation of kintsugi in the message of the movie. The movie deals with the anxiety and growing pains of transitioning from a kid to a teenager/young adult. It shows how the psyche tries to hide painful experiences, protecting us and hoping that it will keep us stronger and feeling good about ourselves. At the end, due reconciliation comes and we realize how accepting both bad and good experiences will bring out the best in a person. 

In life, we talk about inclusion at work, in society and all places in between, but we rarely talk about inclusion of the self i.e. accepting both your good and bad sides. Being kind to yourself about the short comings you have is the first step towards accepting others' shortcomings. First, be at peace with yourself and then your peace will shine on others and show them kindness.

As I apply kintsugi to myself and outwards to my relationships in life, I appreciate how the Japanese philosophies are simple, yet powerful. Just like the movie Inside Out ( both 1 and 2) itself. In case you haven't watched it, check it out!  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Art is not a luxury, sometimes it's sustenance


Unknowingly and without any plans I started writing poems a few years ago. I like to think that the habit evolved from my old habit of writing. 

Lately I've been writing more - mostly about how I feel, what I'm thinking etc. One day a few weeks ago I came across this talk by actor Ethan Hawke. He says something at the 2:00 minutes mark of the talk - about how you connect with art when someone somewhere has written, sung or acted the same things you may be going through or you may be trying to make sense of. Bingo! It resonated with me so much ! It's when you come across these art forms and connect with it that you don't feel alone in that feeling anymore. It's could be a shared joy, shared excitement, shared bewilderment, or shared melancholy. But you find that one thing that helps you make sense and then it becomes your sustenance and you appreciate art so much more! 

I ended up watching the entire talk today and loved it. 

Here's to the spirit of finding yourself, and feeling those feelings and expressing them - cheers ! 

P.S. When I see this talk, he feels like an extension of his character in the Before movie series - loved him in those ! Such a natural. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Recap of the year so far

When I look back on the first post from this year it's clear that I started 2024 with tremendous optimism. I had a feeeling it would be an year I would look back on and cherish. Something in the air just felt ...exciting.  

Now almost mid-way through, I can say I am still looking at it with optimism. But this optimism is more to propel myself and come out of what has been probabaly a very challenging time.

Unexpecetedly early in the year, I went down a path hoping for a peaceful end to a rocky journey that stretched for a decade and a half. At the beginning, the path did feel green and peaceful and promised me the destination I set out to find. But towards the end I had to face unexpected things, thanks to fate. I set out to fight the problem and emerge out of it happy, and possibly make others happy in the process...but that did not happen. Not everything is a one woaman show - sometimes you need a partner, or a team. And if they are not on the same page as you the destination would never be reached, even worser you'd realize you are on the wrong route. 

When I look back at the past few months I know I gave it my best shot. There were things I never though I would have to go through, but I went through them and I tried to make the best of it. I had the guts to fight for what was fair, but it did not work out. But I am at peace knowing that I gave it my best. 

I had the confidence that I would make things agreeable for those involved and not cause long term damage to anyone. But not everyone had that trust in me. So I decided to give up what was supposed to be journey of a lifetime. And in the process I brought back peace, hopefully to everyone. For what good is a win if it comes at the loss of everyone around you? Sometimes you gotta take one for the team :). One thing I realized was this >> I don't deserve to stick to a team that asks me to take punches simply beacuse it thinks I am strong enough and because I had done it once before. So, I have seperated myself from it now. It wasn't easy and still has me going through the motions and after effects, but it was needed to be done. 

I've worked hard throughout my life, unintentionally...not deliberatly, on keeping healthy realtionships around me that are now a strong support system for me. So thanks to them and my own self, I will survive, again....

Friday, May 10, 2024

Random thoughts on a Friday in May

Recently, a friend shared the write-up below. Funny enough when I read this, some of these characteristics remind me of myself - so yes, I  should hang on to myself and I hope to keep the things I'm proud of, in myself.

If we don't listen to our voice, who else will.   

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Saturday morning musings

In the beautifully made movie 'Mitr, my friend' the lead actress Shobhana tells her virtual friend that one of the things she likes to do is to drive up the freeway in full speed alone in the car. That idea fascinated me as a young 20yr old girl in India, without a car, surrounded by slow moving traffic and always dependent on someone or something for transportation.

Now, years after I started driving in the West and Southwest US..with wide, open roads and beautiful landscapes around, I relate to what she said. That feeling I get when I drive myself on the road, while playing the music of my choice, something loud...but fun and melodious, and when let my mind think through stuff in my head...with wind from the open windows messing my hair up ....I just love that feeling! Writing this post after one such drive on an early Saturday morning...

Monday, January 01, 2024

2023 in retrospect

Calling this post retrospective maybe a bit pre-mature. After all, 2023 ended just a few hours ago. Maybe this is more of a summary of highlights. 

I'll remember this year as the one where I got out of the comfort zone - both personally and professionally. It's the year I stopped taking things for granted and pushed myself to make an effort. Made an attempt to stress less - and mostly succeeded. This has been a year of some humbling moments as well as one of adventures. I balanced my strength with some vulnerability and in most cases it's given me peace. I've been more conscious of what I am doing to my health - physcial and mental. And have taken steps to make changes where I could. It's also the year I continued my path to establishing, and re-establishing, connections with dear ones - both at home and away. 

Maybe this had more to do with being a newly turned 40-yr old? Or the fact that I'm finally getting back control of my time. Whatever it is, it's welcome! There's more work to be done though - and that's what the new year is for afterall. Here's hoping to better myself a little bit more this year. 

Ending this with a succinct, yet comprehensive new year message I came across - hope all of these and more come true for you this new year ! 

Thursday, October 20, 2022


 ....could mean a lot of things. Tuning back, changing course or direction, changing your affiliations and loyalties or it could also simply mean turning a decade older, which is something I'm celebrating this year! As I turn 40, I've taken this milestone year to do a variety of things to reconnect with myself and those that I value most. On top of the milestone birthday, the culmination of the pandemic has also given me a reason to stop, think and introspect. 

A big piece of me trying to reconnect with loved ones this year was to spend quality time with closest of my friends - I'd hate to label them "best" , aren't all good friends best ones? 

J, N and I have know each other for more than half of our living lives. We met in our late teens in undergrad and grew up through our early twenties with completely different things happening around us. One of us got married young(er), one found a soul mate in her first shot at love, and one was having a hard time finding contentment in love. Who was going through what - well, that will be unsaid here :). Despite these differences in our younger years, we spent most of our 30s going through very similar things - learning how to co-exist in a country we are not from, birthing and raising kids, building and re-building careers, rediscovering what friendships look like. I've been lucky enough to have these two in my life at arm's length or a phone call away any given day. So celebrating my milestone birthday with these two was a big must-do for me.  

Our last time getting together as a group of friends was pre-pandemic, so naturally there was excitement around seeing one another in person again. We added to the excitement by landing on a solid itinerary - a road trip from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon, followed by a couple nights of fun in Las Vegas. Further excitement was added by means of a playlist - we managed to put together 8 hours of music of all types of songs going back to our favs from college to the latest pop hits. There was depth and quality too, mind you ! Being able to live out this play list of course was an integral part of the the experience - so when we rented a car and it did not play from the phone blue-tooth we made sure we returned it and got a different one that did have better audio support. Priorities, priorities....

The road trip involved a couple hundred miles of driving, which I am very proud to say I did wholeheartedly. In the background was beautiful scenery, wonderful music,  deep conversations, gossip, retrospection and discussion on what life brought to us and what made us happy or otherwise. Exploring scenic views and places along the way was part of the fun of course - including lunch at a authentic ( and clean!) Punjabi Dhaba  (of all places, in Kingman,AZ!!) 

Grand Canyon did not disappoint - how could it! Enjoying sunrise and sunset in the company of cherished friends is something I'll always remember. We all took time to enjoy the grandeur of the canyon in our own moments of quiet along with several group moments. I had not watched sunrise in a long time - yes, there were goosebumps. Moving on from there, the fun we had in Las Vegas was a different kind of fun altogether! The best thing about Vegas was that we were able to bring in the young girl inside of all of us - we played dress-up, did make-up and walked in our heels  ( shhhh, no talks needed on how painful it was!). We were younger again, but with a kind of confidence a twenty year old could not have had. That's the beauty about growing into your 30s with secure and healthy relationships around you - you just have a sense of confidence and self-assurance that would surprise your younger self!  Like wine, women get finer with age...don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You are open to trying and doing things without any judgement of yourself and you know exactly what you want out of those experiences. 

Except for lack of sleep there was nothing I'd change in this trip - what this trip gave me is a series of conversations with non-judgemental friends that helped me better understand myself. It helped me open up a little bit more, gave me encouragement and courage to take a few bold steps in my life, helped me reconnect with several old friends that I reminisced those few days with J and N. I came back home feeling recharged and refreshed, happy and humbled, thankful and a bit tired. Most importantly I came back with a little bit of my old self re-instated back in me, the best parts of that old-self anyway.....  

Of course none of this would be possible had it not been for our wonderful husbands. A big kudos goes to them - without them handling kids and home for 3 days and half, we could not get this once in a lifetime experience packed without any mom-guilt!

Next on the list  is a couple of similar trips - I did one with family already but I crave for more of it, and last but most important - a trip with myself. No distraction - just me with my thoughts. Let's see how soon I can make that happen.